I think I may have done a dreadful thing. I ate too many sticks yesterday. I didn’t mean to but they are such fun to chew. If I’m ill in the night, my Mistress has explained to me that if I can’t get her up in time to take me out then I should be sick somewhere that is easy to clean up. I understand the principle of that. It does make everyone’s life easier – normally. Anyway, at my Mistress’s request, the first choice is the bathroom floor as it’s tiled, but the door was shut. Her second choice is on one of the rugs that can go through the wash. Well I made it to the rug. Good dog I thought. I wasn’t really thinking about that being exactly where my Mistress would step when she got out of bed. Bad dog as it turned out! She wasn’t awfully happy as she hopped to the bathroom to wash her foot. She forgave me pretty quickly. Having said that her day didn’t get any better. She’d put the rug in the washing machine and then put the cream on my paw, where I’ve had a slight infection. After that she went to wash her hands but didn’t realise that she had the arm of her dressing gown over the end of the tap. She turned it on quite full and a burst of cold water shot up the inside of her dressing gown. Not one of her best moments.
We all went out to Fountains Abbey after that and had a lovely day. I do think we need a bigger car though. It’s a bit of a squash with all of us. It wasn’t so bad on the way home as we were tired and not so fidgety. There were some great walls to climb on and so many things to smell. We might have eaten a bit too much of the geese droppings though. I suppose we’ll find out which of us has the worst tummy shortly!