It was a funny day yesterday. We had the builders back to do some of the odd bits and pieces that needed looking at. To be fair to them, there really haven’t been many things they’ve had to look at, but it still meant a day of disruption. Shadow spent some time in her hutch, but my Mistress had moved it to the office so that she didn’t feel lonely. It’s just easier having her confined than allowing her to bark at the builders and jump all over them when she gets over excited. I was allowed to wander round and help. I even got to hold the tools for them while they were working and didn’t need to use something. We had a bit of a chat too and all things considered it was nice to see them.
It kept me out of mischief while my Mistress was writing. She is back to editing her book at long last and is determined to get back on track for the target she set herself of completing the book by September. She is about a third of the way through the last major edit and then needs to do a final read through and then read carefully for problems with grammar and point of view. That’s the problem when you’re writing. There are so many things to think about. I read it through for her sometimes to see if I can see any of the errors she has missed, but even then things slip through both of our checking.
She is also busy with the preparations for Fun Day and has been making certificates for the dog show and buying prizes. It really is hard on is to see a pile of dog treats on the side and not be able to eat any of them. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t as though we are short of treats. It’s just that we can see the ones waiting for Fun Day and they seem to be calling out to us.