Saturday 24th October 2009

If I’m really the political animal that I say, I ought to be writing about the Question Time programme from the other night. However, being a good dog, I was in bed, fast asleep by that stage and didn’t actually watch it. Quite apart from anything else, everyone else seems to be talking about that so I’m guessing you’ve come here for a break.

On the more parochial front, you will be pleased to here that Brian the postman wasn’t part of the strike, so we didn’t miss out on our biscuits. It isn’t that I don’t agree that the problems facing the Post Office aren’t being dealt with properly. How can it be fair for other business to be able to set up in competition for all the lucrative stuff but then hand it over to the Post Office for a pittance for them to deliver to the more difficult areas that it isn’t economic for the competitors to reach? It isn’t a level playing field, or delivery route as the case may be. We dog’s in rural areas need to stand up for the equality of the Post Office, otherwise who is going to bring us biscuits to our door?

My Mistress went up to the other house and fortunately noticed that the wall for our shower room was being put in the wrong place. It was a very late change as we asked for a shower screen so that the water didn’t go everywhere. Fortunately, it isn’t too late to change, but my Mistress has had to photocopy the correct plan and rush a copy up to the builder to make sure it all gets straightened out. I did say, why can’t you make it a store cupboard, but my Mistress insisted we would use the shower. She can if she wants to. I, for one, don’t want to.