My Mistress had the foresight to buy a mobile broadband connection for her laptop. I say foresight, because it will be a very useful thing to have in the future. That will the future in which the mobile phone companies have covered the whole country with reception. We live somewhere that doesn’t have reception and when she goes away it always seems to be to places that don’t have reception. I suppose it would be reasonable to ask if there is really coverage anywhere or whether it is all a myth. Maybe it is a con to get people to part with money so they can build their networks for the future. All I know is that when that future comes, my Mistress will be ready with her connection.
I think I may have told you that my Mistress is currently reading lots of crime novels as research for the book she is about to start writing. She has to decide how she wants to go about writing hers and where it will be set. Apparently, people like to read about real rather than made up locations. Now what I don’t understand is if they can stretch their imaginations to belief that the people in the books are real, why do they have so much difficulty in believing in locations? We’ve been talking about the places she might choose to set it and all concluded that she either needs to choose somewhere she has easy access to or she needs to go and spend a few months researching the places she wants to use. Now being realistic, she can’t go away for more than a few hours at a time, so it’s not looking good for three months on a Caribbean island.