Spring seems to be in the air and with the sun shining it is easier to feel positive about the world. Of course, the world is still busy being as negative as it can be, but I am choosing to ignore all bad things and focus on the good things in life. I have a tail to chase and all’s right with the world.
My Mistress has been asked to give a talk on how she became a writer, later in the year. I argued that I should be included in the presentation and was quite happy to put my ideas together to do part of the slot. She seems to have different ideas. In fairness I don’t think she wants me to steal the show and if I’m being honest, I can see that I would do if she took me. Perhaps if it goes well, they will ask me to do a slot of my own.
Not usually one to take part in chain mail of any sort, my Mistress found herself drawn into the idea of sending on a recipe. The idea is that you get twenty people to send a recipe to someone and then your name moves up the list and if all the people respond, you could stand to get an awful lot of recipes. Her first problem was to realise that she probably didn’t know twenty people who would not only want to take part, but who didn’t use a work email address that might prevent the email from even getting through. Having past this stage, she is now receiving lots of emails with recipes for things she can’t eat. It was a nice idea but in practice not a lot of use to someone who can’t eat dairy products. I did say that she could make them for me, particularly the blueberry cheesecake, but she didn’t seem keen.