Not such a quiet week this week. I’ve got to do some work. My Mistress has scheduled for me to edit my Woodland Stories this week. I asked if she could do it for me, while I lounged around, but she seemed to think that was a little unfair. I pointed out that she was the one who had scheduled it and I was quite happy concentrating on my political activities but then she quite fairly pointed out that she hadn’t seen a lot of evidence of that. So here I am, ready with pen poised trying to make some alterations. I need to make my own character more naïve and puppy like. It’s hard when you write it retrospectively to remember just how little you knew as a puppy. I might be better waiting a few weeks until we have another puppy in the house and get her opinion on it. More to the point I shall be able to see how little she really knows and what words she uses. I put that suggestion to my Mistress but she says I’m just prevaricating. I had to find the dictionary to see what she was talking about.
If all goes according to plan, over the next month or so My Mistress and I will be sending four books out in an attempt to find a publisher. I’m just hoping the world is ready for us. My Mistress says she will be happy to see one of them get into print in the short term, but I said she should set her sights a bit higher than that.