Tonight a six year old, who was frightened of the electric toothbrush used on his brother at the dentist, wants to go ‘Trick or Treating’. I suppose as long as he doesn’t meet any toothbrush carrying ghouls then he will be all right! Apparently, Tesco didn’t have any costumes in my size so I can’t go. It seems a bit mean when I can be scary just as I am.
I’m rapidly concluding that my Mistress should not be allowed out on her own. It turns out she nearly didn’t get to the right place in Switzerland last week. She was so focussed on the fact that everything in Switzerland runs to time that it didn’t occur to her that her train from Paris to Basel might be running late. When they arrived at a station at the appointed time, she duly picked up her luggage and went to get off the train. It was more luck than judgement that just before she got off, she heard an announcement saying they were somewhere else entirely. In English of course, she said the woman behind here “This isn’t Basel then?” and then had the ignominy of having to return to her seat, against the flow of passengers who really did want that station. They each grinned at her in turn, so if nothing else she gave amusement to a number of other people. She had already spilt her cup of coffee all over the seat of the train and dropped her open bag of crisps on the floor. The worst of that last bit is that I wasn’t there to vacuum them up. Other than that her first day’s travel went according to plan and she even found her hotel for the night with no difficulty.