I’m always game to try new experiences and just once in a while an opportunity presents itself that it would be very sad to turn down. Taking seriously that it is just possible that dog is God backwards for a reason, Granny’s church are having a pet service and it just happens to be on the same weekend that I’m going to see them later in the year. Now given that it’s also the church that my Owners got married in and I wasn’t able to go to that, it seems like an opportunity not to be missed. I have of course asked whether I can have a new outfit for it and whether I shall be given my own money to put in the collection plate. My Mistress seemed more concerned as to whether I could behave myself for long enough and wanted to know if I could possibly refrain from howling during the hymns. The last point was easy; I said to her “We’ll do a deal. I won’t howl if you don’t sing.”
I just hope that I will be allowed to stay for a biscuit afterwards as well. It’s ages away, but I’m already excited about it.