Oh dear. After struggling with a full wheelie bin to the end of our road on Wednesday, my Mistress later discovered that the problem has been resolved and she didn’t need to take it down the road at all. It would be nice to think that the Council has written to let us know and apologise for the unnecessary hassle but it was another neighbour who actually told us. After discussion with the Council it was concluded that one of their employees might have been a little over enthusiastic in withdrawing services from us. My theory is that he got stung by a nettle or a thistle and was extracting his revenge, but maybe I’ve been reading too many crime novels. In the meantime my Mistress does not recommend wheeling a bin around the streets as a form of exercise, although for a laugh I suggested she should write an article claiming it as the latest fitness regime and see how many gullible people took it up!
I have been told that if I behave myself my owners will take me to a dog show on Sunday and enter me in a couple of the categories. ‘Ok’ I said. ‘What’s it worth not to show you up?’ I have managed to negotiate marzipan as a constant bribe to do as instructed on the day. You can’t say fairer than that. Although I have an awful fear that the fun gremlins might get me and I shall forget the marzipan. It’s going to a tough call whether I shall get too excited about the other dogs or whether I might just chase the rabbits entered in the pet category. Of course, I may just go and find some of the cows and ask if they would mind if I did a bit of research on my roots and practiced herding them.