This is the big day. I think I’m excited but I also think I’m apprehensive. Do I need to behave differently around a girl? Will I be told to tidy my things up more often? Will she complain about my muddy paws? Do you think I need to avoid burping and farting? Obviously, I try to behave when my Mistress is around but I don’t bother so much when she’s out or when it’s just us boys. I wonder if my Master has thought about having to behave properly with another girl in the house. I do hope she thinks I’m good enough company for her; I’d hate her to be disappointed with her new home.
My Mistress does a good line in playing with the minds of young children. She told Andrew that the wireless mouse for her computer is operated by gnomes shouting to gnomes in the computer. She showed him the little red light inside and said “That’s a gnome shining a torch.” “Don’t be silly” said Andy, “it’s electronics.” Not bad for a six year old. However, my Mistress said “Don’t just take my word for it, ask your Dad.” My Master was duly asked how the mouse works and he said it was just the one gnome shining the torch. Andy came back to see my Mistress and in all seriousness said “See, it’s not gnomes. There’s only one of them.” Don’t you just love children. I’m planning to undo the mouse later when they are all out to see how many gnomes actually fall out. My Mistress is much better with computers than my Master, it’s bound to be more than one.
As a result of not being able to get marzipan from Belgium so easily now, and because she hasn’t found anyone who makes good marzipan in this country yet, my Mistress has now started to work out her own marzipan recipe. Her first attempt isn’t bad but I think it will be a while before she really works out how to make it taste as good as the stuff we used to buy. I’m not planning to beg desperately for the home made stuff just yet!