On behalf of myself and the Pet Dogs’ Democratic Party, which is basically me again, I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. The PDDP has adopted as its slogan for 2008 “Every dog must have his say” and we propose to encourage dogs everywhere to become more politically active in the coming year. Years of oppression to our species must be overcome. We need the same rights as our owners with protection of those rights under the law. No dog should be forced to live in poverty and squalor. There should be enough food for all of us and of course inside toilets for when it is cold or raining. I will continue to campaign for the minimum wage for working dogs but we also need to think about the health treatment needs of dogs. How can it be right to have compulsory euthanasia for an elderly or sick dog who could still live out his days happily with twenty-four hour nursing care? Why should we pay for our basic health treatment in England when humans don’t? It is time for the creation of the N.P.H.S, the National Pet Health Service, where all basic health care will be free to every pet according to need. Dental care should include the free issue of chews for us to clean our teeth naturally and enjoyably. Education should be free to all pets too. I’m not quite sure whether we are ready to make it compulsory, that might be a bit much, but it should be freely available. I call on all dogs everywhere to make 2008 a year that counts for dogs. A year in which we will be enfranchised and our voices heard. No longer should it be all right for us to be banned from restaurants and shops just because we don’t walk on two legs. “Every dog must have his say.”
You can buy tee shirts and sweatshirts with the party message from http://alfiedog.spreadshirt.net/en/GB/Shop