Wednesday 8th August 2007

Although I told you I had to sit in the boot, I didn’t tell you the saga of what happened before that. There was a seat in the car for me, but it was a bit of a squash so I was better off in my bed in the boot. Why you might ask was there a seat in the car? Well on the day before we were meant to travel, Helen discovered that somehow when she flew back last week, when she got home she threw her passport away. Now don’t ask me how you throw a passport away, although I don’t actually look after my own so maybe it is easy. With all the new regulations to stop people getting passports they shouldn’t have, you can’t go and queue to get a replacement any more. So we had to leave her behind. I’m not going to tell you what the atmosphere was like. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best. There is a fair amount of sorting out to be done as a result of it, and it remains to be seen whether she will get one in time to join us in the next couple of weeks. The worst of it is seeing how sad my master is, I’ve done everything I can to cheer him up but there is only so much a dog can do in a situation like this. So it is a bit of a male dominated household with my master, me and two boys and only my mistress to balance things out. I strongly suspect that my mistress may find it all tough going as well. I will do my best to be clean and tidy to help, but if it rains it is very difficult not to run mud through the house, however hard I try. It really is a boy thing, it just attaches itself to us and then falls off in all the places that annoy girls.