Friday 30th March 2007

It turns out I am a very English dog. It’s a bit odd as I am half Belgian and half Swiss. It was when my mistress called me in for some food yesterday and she shouted “Alfie tea time” that it was pointed out to my mistress by a Lithuanian just how English that sounded. We are nothing if not multicultural here. It also dawned on my mistress why someone thought it meant I drank tea, when she said it the other day. I have asked her to start calling me with “Dinner time” so that I don’t seem quite so English but I guess old habits die hard.

My mistress has given me some very bad news. She and my master are taking the children to Disneyland Paris when they are here at Easter and I am not getting to go with them. Apparently, there are no dogs allowed in the park. “What about Pluto” I said “he gets to go in the Park”. Of course, although my mistress said I was right she said they make an exception for him because he is a character. “I could be a character” I said “You just see, one day they will make a film about me.” Unfortunately, the fact that this is only likely to happen in the future does not seem to be enough to satisfy them. I would need to be famous now. Do you think I can claim any direct relationship to Lassie, Beethoven or Benji? I don’t want to be left out of all the fun and I could make the children just as happy as any fluffy mouse can. I did wonder whether I could go in disguise as a human but I would have to pretend to be under 7 to get in free and I am now the equivalent of about 9 or 10 years old. I don’t mind if I’m not tall enough to go on the rides, I just don’t want to be left out.