Saturday midday

December 29, 2012 Alfie 0

It’s raining again. The puppies are going to think that it rains all the time the way it’s going. Mind you, thinking about it they […]

Thursday midday

December 28, 2012 Alfie 0

I’ve realised with everyone being so busy we haven’t put the collars on the puppies yet. We will try to do that tomorrow as we […]

Wednesday midday

December 26, 2012 Alfie 0

The puppies behaved admirably on their first night without my Mistress sleeping nearby. They are really growing up now and are great fun to be […]

Christmas Day – midday

December 25, 2012 Alfie 0

Given that my Mistress didn’t get to bed until gone 12.30am she was grateful that the puppies, although they woke at 4 but went back […]

Monday Midday

December 24, 2012 Alfie 0

Oh it wasn’t the puppies fault. They would have slept in. No, it was Shadow. She decided she was hungry at 5.30am. Her own fault, […]