A will of iron – Friday 15th April 2022

A will of iron

Shadow has a will of iron. There have been times that has been a big problem when she wanted everything her own way. Now it’s a blessing. Yesterday morning she was having lots of problems with her legs. Every so often if she tried cornering, her back legs just didn’t go with her and ended up on the floor. She never gives up. At one point, she wanted to go upstairs to see Dad. She tried and ended up slipping back down the first couple of steps into a heap. Most dogs would give up at that stage. Not Shadow. She took herself around the hall to build up some momentum and then launched herself back at the staircase and hauled herself to the top.

Both Mum and I have said we want to be like Shadow when we get to be old. She really is quite amazing.

Ari is happy

Ari is happy. He had ages outside with Mum helping him plant some of his vegetable and herb seeds. They’ve got the carrots in and some parsley, so he at least feels he’s made a start. Mum said she’d try to do some more of them with him today. He needs to dig the vegetable plot again before they can do much there and he says that sounds too much like hard work. Instead, he’s hoping Mum might do it for him.

He helped with the mowing too, so he was a very happy and very tired boy.

What was really funny was that as soon as we all came in from the garden, the ducks came back down to the pond. They seem to like sleeping there while we’re indoors. I wish their house would hurry up and arrive so we can give it to them.

