Otter – Thursday 27th December 2018


an otter in the river at Bedford
My new friend Otter

I saw an otter. I did want to get into the water to introduce myself, but oddly mum didn’t think that was such a good idea. We went for a lovely walk all round by The Embankment in Bedford. I did want to chase the swans, but Mum didn’t think that was such a good idea either. Then I met lots of dogs. I was sorry not to see my friend Koppa, but I did make friends with a few others on my rounds and then we got to a place where there were some people all set up with cameras. Mum went over to have a look and there swimming around in the river were a couple of otters. Mum was so happy to see them. She made me stand out of the way with Dad so she could try to take some photos.


What I didn’t tell you was Dad has only gone and bought Mum another chance to walk with alpacas as her Christmas present. Now she’s going to spend the whole of the next month getting excited before she can actually go. She has asked if he can see if she can walk with the same one as last time. I’m betting the alpaca hasn’t spent as much time thinking about Mum as she has spent thinking about him. If he doesn’t recognise her she’s going to be very disappointed. Mind you, if he does recognise her she’s only going to want to bring him home.

Travelling again

Now I’m packed and ready to set off to see my Mama and sister in Switzerland. It’s so nice to be able to visit family at Christmas and now the humans have seen their families I can go to see mine. There still isn’t very much snow out there, but maybe there will be some while I’m there. This time I’m hoping to bring you lots of exciting photos of the things I’m up to.

Lots of love




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