Saturday 4th February 2017 – Girls and diets

I shouldn’t laugh, but I think that my mum’s diet is starting to bite. Our Mistress has made clear to the humans in the house that it is dangerous to leave food lying around anywhere while there is a dog on a diet and it turns out she was right. Mum’s bad leg does not seem to have prevented her from climbing up to find the bag of crisps that had been left in her room and much like our Mistress, she does not seem to have had the self-discipline to stop herself eating them. Of course, whilst I found it all hilarious, our Mistress is not best pleased with either Mum or the responsible human! Mum is not the least bit sorry and if you ask me, she seemed to be rather pleased with herself. She is never going to lose the weight that way. Mind you, as our Mistress pointed out to her she might lose it by making herself ill as those crisps contained things that are not good for dogs. She’s not entirely sure that they are that good for the humans in the house, but for other reasons.

Yesterday, our Mistress by contrast felt just a little big virtuous. Don’t get excited she hasn’t quite got around to cutting down on food herself, but she did do her five mile walk. It’s all part of one of her New Year’s resolutions. January she had to do a four mile walk, February a five mile walk, March will be six miles and so on. Anyway, she’s taking the easy approach at the moment. The walk we each do is one and a third miles. In January she tool us all out in the car at the same time and walked us all one after the other. Now that Shadow and I are both walking a little easier we were back to doing our full walks so yesterday we each went around once and then Wilma went around twice. She can only do it like that while the weather is cold as we won’t be able to wait in the car when it gets too warm. She says that she’s hoping in March to take Shadow around the walk twice as well if her leg is up to it and then April Wilma will get to do three circuits. After that she is hoping to take Wilma on increasing length walks each month through the summer, but will need to stop for a coffee or some lunch somewhere. At least she’s got off to a good start so far.

Have a lovely Saturday


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