Saturday 13th August 2016 – This is not going well

Hello everyone, I’m back. It’s Aristotle here while Alfie has the weekend to put his paws up.

Our Mistress wants to be left in peace and quiet to write. That’s ok by us, we just sit with her when it’s like that and enjoy the times in between when she takes us for walks. However, our Master is flat on his back in bed because his lumbago has kicked in. He couldn’t get out of the car when he got home yesterday so when he did went to lie down. That means that on top of the washing from them all being away, our Mistress is running upstairs to get the things he needs. Then the computer in the other room needed fixing so she had to go and do that. For some reason the humans wanted feeding. She finally gave in and went to do the cooking when she couldn’t stand being asked what time tea would be, one more time.

It wasn’t long before she was ready to scream at them ‘All I want to do is write.’ I don’t think they’d have paid a lot of attention if she had. On the other paw, she did get home without the car giving up and was very grateful for that, so I guess she can’t have everything. I did offer to run round after our Master, but, probably rightly, he doesn’t want jumping on, so I’m not the best dog for the job. Even after a week away from us our Mistress’s bruises haven’t completely disappeared and just for good measure we’ve given her some new ones to make sure she is clearly marked as ours. It’s sort of our way of stamping her with our pawprint to show ownership…except it might be more of a claw mark…and suggests more pain than ownership.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Dear Aristotle,
    I have a suggestion. Tell the “other” humans that it would be a wonderful idea to learn how to make tea for everyone. It is a great experience to learn new things and that way you mistress could write just a little bit longer. And if the humans do not find this a wonderful suggestion, take Wilma, Shadow and Alfie with you and go to the kitchen and try to make tea for all the humans! Imagine how surprised they would be!!! 😉

    • I think she may be trying that as I write. It’s been met by a deafening silence. I have volunteered to do the cooking, but for some reason I don’t understand they all object to the way I test everything to make sure it would have been safe for them to eat.
      Have a lovely Saturday

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