I’ve been trying to teach Wilma about the birds and the bees, or more to the point bringing it back to something she loves ‘the dandelions and the seeds’. We were out for a walk and saw Wilma’s favourite dandelions in every stage of life, so I thought I would use them as an illustration. Now, to be fair, Wilma is most interested in eating dandelions and digging them up from the lawn. Worse still, when she’s at the field at dog training and told to lie down, whilst she does as asked she then starts inching round the field on her stomach in search of her next snack, but I digress.
I showed her the wonderful blossoming flower and explained that it really wants to create lots more flowers so to do that it forms a whole beautiful head of seeds. Then as long she she hasn’t come along and dug it up, the seed heads all blow away on the wind and fly away until they find a lovely patch of mud to settle in and try to grow. That last point of course depends on her not choosing that patch of mud to wallow in and dislodge the seeds. It also presupposes that she hasn’t eaten all the bees in the area which she has been trying to do, with our Mistress desperately trying to discourage her.
It got more difficult after that because Wilma asked me how that related to dogs and more especially to Entlebuchers. I went rather coy at that stage and suggested that our Mistress and Shadow would be better to explain the finer details to her. Of course, if her teeth don’t sort themselves out she may never get to find out but I still don’t want to be the one to try to explain.
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