Oh it’s funny. Shadow is trying to teach Wilma to play ball, but Wilma doesn’t really get it. Oh she loves the run around, but she hasn’t got the whole fetch the ball and bring it back thing. I’d love to play but my legs aren’t up to it and I end up suffering for days if I try to join in. Alfie used to like playing but he complains that the girls never used to play fair. He’d probably be ok playing with Wilma but she needs to learn how it all works first. So far Shadow has run and brought the ball back so they can go again and Wilma has just run around. Or, Wilma runs around with the ball in her mouth inviting Shadow to chase her, which is clearly not something that Shadow will stoop to.

Our Mistress says the nicest part is how well the two of them play together and it does give them both chance for a good run and to burn off some of the spare fat. As you can see from the photo it’s Mum that has the fat to burn, Wilma’s looking pretty good. What we do have to remember, if ever we are charging round the garden, is not to run straight into any of the trees. Obviously there is the fact that it can hurt, but worse than that we get into big trouble if we break any of them. I remember Megan careering into one of the pear trees one time. It’s taken it years to recover. I guess in a few years the trees will be solid enough to resist the worst we can throw at them, but in the meantime we have to remember to run round them rather than through them.
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