Now I know what you’ve all been talking about recently. We’d only driven 15 miles from home when we left the clouds and rain behind and the weather started to improve. It was only 9 degrees at home but it was 15 or 16 for most of the rest of the journey yesterday, which was lovely. This was a selfie I took at one of our service station stops in France. We had lots of time in the car but some lovely walks too and it’s fun travelling with Shadow.

She says she likes having me along too and doesn’t need to bark at nearly so many people when she’s got me for company. Mum was saying to me that I’d stayed in the hotel we were in last night before, but I knew I hadn’t. Then she remembered it was when she was on the way to collect me so of course I wasn’t there and it was with Alfie and when they met my friend Salvo for the first time. Anyway, it was a really nice hotel and we had plenty of space to move around without crashing into things, which is always good. There was nearly a problem with a chicken. I didn’t know I liked chasing chickens until now. The hotel has a nice little lawn for us dogs with bags to clear up just in case we need them, and a bin which Mum says is a big improvement on most hotels. However, next to the grass were the chickens and one had got out. Now my story, and I’m sticking to it, is that I was only trying to help round it up so it would get back into it’s run but Mum was convinced I was intent on harm. She said I’d got that look in my eyes, but I really don’t know what she meant!
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