Saturday 9th April 2016 – I want a go

Mum at ringcraft class
Mum at ringcraft class

On Thursday night Mum (Shadow) went to her first ringcraft class. Before she went she was not looking forward to it and thought our Mistress should have been paying more attention to the saying ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. Wilma was very encouraging to her and said she was sure her friend Fleur would try to help. Anyway, when Mum came home she was absolutely full of it. She’d had a fantastic night and eaten so many dog treats to stop her from barking that she said she couldn’t eat another thing. Fleur had been wonderful and did spend time explaining things to Mum, although Mum said that next to the very beautiful flowing coat of Fleur, who is a seven month old Bearded Collie, she felt very dull. By the end of the evening she was getting the hang of standing for the judges and didn’t complain about having her teeth checked once. She said she was less keen on the judges feeling around her back end, but think about it from our point of view – how many of you humans out there would want to be extensively frisked by complete strangers? Anyway, she was less keen on getting the trotting up and down right. She was enjoying bouncing too much and says that she has to do some more work on that bit. Overall she had a great night and really enjoyed herself. It’s a good job really as she’s in a show in another four weeks! Anyway, from how excited she was it left me feeling a little envious. I know I struggle being around that many dogs, and I’m likely to complain about any complete stranger that starts to feel me up uninvited but she was so happy that it almost seemed like a good idea to give it a go. Our Mistress said a very definite ‘No’ when I broached it, so I guess that’s that then.

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