Friday 25th March 2016 – Why is it always Wilma?

On Sunday we have some traditional Easter activities in the village. There’s egg rolling down one part of our road, a treasure hunt on the village green and an Easter bonnet competition. Our Mistress has asked Wilma if she’d like to go to help. How come Wilma gets asked and I don’t? Wilma got to go to the garage and the bank with our Mistress earlier in the week too. It’s just not fair. Ok, so part of it is our Mistress socialising her in any and every situation she can find, I understand that. Part of it is that Wilma likes

Wilma looking all cute
Wilma looking all cute

everyone and everything and can be trusted to behave, I sort of get that too. The point is that it would be nice to be asked. I might have wanted to make a bonnet for the competition or try to help work out what the old farming implements that are hidden around the green were used for. I know becoming antisocial has made life difficult to take me to places but there’s not a lot I can do about that. Shadow says she can be trusted so wants to know why she isn’t going. Aristotle says he wasn’t bothered anyway unless there is a hunt for dog treats and then he’d be up for it. Mind you, the weather forecast for Sunday is rain so I wouldn’t want to be out in it anyway. If it’s dry today I’ve been told that I can help clear out the summerhouse and give it a good clean so that it’s ready to use for the summer. At the moment all the puppy things are stored out there and it’s not that easy to get in. Our Mistress says she is hoping that if the weather warms up she’ll be able to work out there so we can all be out in the fresh air and she can keep an eye on us while she’s working. The spiders will have to move out first though!

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