I was very brave at the vet yesterday. I screwed up my eyes when she took my blood, but then had a bit of a funny turn when she went to wipe off the blood that had dripped onto my paw. Our Mistress was more sympathetic toward me than she was when my Master felt like that a couple of weeks ago, but don’t tell him. Anyway, our vet thinks some of my glands have gone down a little and that would be a good sign. There is still one quite badly swollen in my neck and some swelling around my thyroid. The next step is to get the blood test results which should be today or tomorrow and see what they tell us before we do anything else. I’m still feeling out of sorts and barked most of my way through yesterday, which did not go down well… at all! Apparently I’ve got bad breath too, but I can’t smell it. Wilma was telling me about a stand at Crufts that were offering full dog massages and right now I think I might rather like that. I’d even be happy if our Mistress wanted to devote an hour or two to doing that. I don’t want any water or funny treatments, just all my aching muscles rubbed to help me relax.
By contrast, Wilma is full of the joys of spring and has enough energy for all of us. Not without reason is she a member of the working dog group. She could do with having to work in physical labour for several hours a day to keep her entertained. She’d love it. She is not out of the same lazy mould as the rest of us. Please don’t tell our Master, but when he was away last night Wilma got to sleep in his place in the bed. Our Mistress knows she shouldn’t do it, but she decided her desire for a full night’s sleep without having to go down when Wilma started missing her too much was greater than the problem she is creating for herself in a day or twos time. Wilma took to it like a pro. Our Master is away tonight too so she may be in luck. There was plenty of room for me too so I didn’t really mind.
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