Saturday 19th March 2016 – Then and Now

Happy weekend everyone. It’s Ari here. It seems like ages since I’ve been given the chance to write to you. Now I’m not looking for sympathy, but life has been pretty tough for me recently. It seems I cause Alfie stress. I really can’t think how. Anyway, he has wanted me out of the way quite a bit. It means I either get to sit in a room on my own, which is not my idea of fun or I have to agree to be on my lead and stay by our Mistress’s side when Alfie is either around or generally feeling stressed. There is an upside. I do get to stay close to our Mistress which is the best place to be, but it does rather cut down on my opportunities for trouble making or wrestling with Wilma. It’s given me some time to go through the family photo albums with Wilma and dig out some pictures of when we were all small to show her. It made me think you might all like to see a ‘then and now’ comparison of all of us. So here goes.

First up is Alfie. Here is at 3 months old with his mother and then on the right here he is ten years later.

Alfie with his mum Anka.
Alfie with his mum Anka.
Alfie 10yrs 4 months
Alfie 10yrs 4 months

Then Shadow – on the left at about 10 weeks old and on the right as she is now aged 7

Shadow 7yrs 1 month
Shadow 7yrs 1 month

Next up is me. I could have shown a picture of me as nothing more than a peanut, being only 292g when I was born, but here I am at about ten weeks and then now aged 4 and a half.

Aristotle 4yrs 6 months
Aristotle 4yrs 6 months

Last and by no means least is Wilma.

Wilma nearly 8 months
Wilma nearly 8 months

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hello Ari, great to hear from you. We all love the photos, thank you for sharing them with us. You have to admit we are a very good looking breed!!!!!
    We are sorry we cannot come to the fun day tomorrow but hope everyone has a lovely time.
    Love to you all Dickens XXXXXXX

    • Thank you. I’m not going either. I have to stay at home to look after Alfie. Wilma and Shadow are really looking forward to it.
      Have a woofly weekend

  2. Love the photos Ari. I know life can be tough sometimes. Look after Alfie and hopefully he will soon be feeling a lot better and things will get back to normal. Have a tail waggy weekend. xx

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