I’m still waiting for my blood test results. I should get them today, but I’m pleased to say that yesterday I did feel like my first walk in over a week. I definitely think being back on my joint care bars is easing my joints and that makes a big difference. This getting older lark is not easy and no one can really tell you what it’s going to be like for you or what to expect. Oh you can learn from those around you, but somehow when you’re younger you never really think it’s going to happen to you. I’m not sure if I told you but our Master had an operation on his foot just over a week ago and has been at home recovering. He had to have a joint removed from his toe so it’s all been a bit painful. Anyway, it’s meant that the
younger ones haven’t seen him as he couldn’t risk being bounced on. I could be trusted and Shadow under supervision, but at last the others are being allowed back in the lounge but only on their leads when he’s around. Aristotle showed his appreciation at being back by curling up on the settee with our Mistress. Wilma was delighted to be given the chance to chew Shadow’s big chew again and said she’d really missed it. She was pleased to see our Master too and said she’d missed him. She gave him a good wash of his face first just to make sure he was clean to her exacting standards. We’re all hoping when his foot is better that he’ll be able to come for more walks with us, but it will be a few weeks before we get to that point. He’s not walking anywhere very much at the moment, at least not without a crutch. Although I did catch him managing to get himself a beer!
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