Monday 22nd February 2016 – And the winners are…


Oh it’s been so exciting choosing my competition winners. I think it’s the most responsible thing I’ve ever had to do. We had lots of entries, apparently more than we’ve ever had for any other competition. It was too difficult for me to do it all on my own. Our Mistress helped me by writing all the names on pieces of paper, at least all the ones who got it right! Then all the names went into a tin and she drew out ten for me to choose the winners from. This is me and Ari with the tin.

After that part all the winners names were put under cups of their own and I had to choose two of the cups. To help me choose there was a dog treat under each cup too, but the treats were all the same so there was no bias. You can see the video of me choosing the final two.

Anyway, the lovely winners of my first ever competition are… Michelle Hardie and M Collier.

Well done to both of you and your tickets will be in the post to you soon. Our Mistress said she’d check your addresses and we will send the tickets as soon as they arrive with us, hopefully in the next few days.

We are all anxiously waiting for Alfie’s blood test results today. I do hope that he will be feeling a bit better soon. He’s sleeping a lot and when we’re together I go over and check on him from time to time to make sure he’s ok and see if he needs anything, but I haven’t bothered him apart from that. Our Mistress says I’ve been really good and she can tell how much Alfie appreciates it, even if he doesn’t say much. She says she thinks he sees some of the same qualities in me as in his girlfriend Bella and that’s a real compliment.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE