Saturday 13th February 2016 – I’m in the dog house

IMG_2782Happy weekend everyone. It’s Aristotle here and I’m rather in the doghouse. Please, please don’t tell my Master, but whilst we were in kennels for a couple of days this week I might have slightly destroyed Shadow’s brand new bed that he chose and bought for her birthday. I shared a kennel with Mum so she could keep an eye on me, but as it turned out I led her astray into a game of tug. It took two of us, but I was the ring leader as our Mistress well knows. I regret it now that you come to mention it, but you know what it’s like when you’re a bit bored and get carried away. Alfie and Wilma clearly don’t know what it’s like as they were both goody four-paws and quite enjoyed each other’s company. If I ever share with Alfie he won’t go anywhere near me when we get home. I can’t think why. However, he and Wilma were still as happy to curl up together. That puppy really is the limit. I was hoping having a puppy in the house would mean I wasn’t the one getting into trouble all the time, but she so likes to please everyone that she rarely puts a paw wrong.

Having said all that I’m quite keen on this training thing we’re going to do together. My observation is Wilma is getting offered much better treats than I am as part of her training, so it may be an opportunity to put a bid in for the ones I like. Mind you, as I like pretty much all food that should not be hard. One thing she and I have in common is a real love of the smell of both beer and wine. We make it quite hard for our Mistress to have a drink because if she holds it at the wrong angle we rather take advantage and dip our tongue in it.

As I’m writing this a moment has just happened that I wish we’d caught on film. Wilma, who doesn’t get have quite the coordination of one of us adults, has just chased her tail and fallen over in the process. She looked a little confused but got up and carried on for another go.

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