Monday 4th January 2016 – Measuring a moving target (Ari and Wilma)

Wilma does not stand still. Do you?

“I tried, but I’m a puppy. Puppies don’t stand still. We wriggle.”

It made it difficult for our Mistress to measure you… and you broke the measuring stick.

“Only a little bit. She says it will glue back together. It couldn’t have been glued very well.”

Any how tall are you?

“Our Mistress says she thinks I’m already 42.5 centimetres to the shoulder.”

And what does that mean?

“It means I’m big enough to pass my height part of the breeding test.”

And what does that mean?

“I’m a happy puppy!”

Ok – so what new recipe have you tried in your filled bones and Kongs this week?

“I like the bones best. I’m not so fussed about the Kongs, which is good as you keep stealing them. Anyway, I’ve tried Butternut Squash and yoghurt this week. They are really good. I might like them best. They smell good and are a great colour.”

Our Mistress helped us cut the skin off the squash and grate it. We’ve decided we prefer when she doesn’t grate things too finely for us. She added some puppy kibble too so it’s part of Wilma’s meal and it keeps her quiet for a while.

“Until you steal it and then I bark at you.”

Alfie’s worse.

“He waits until I’m not in sight and then settles down in my crate to anything he can find and won’t come out until he’s finished everything. At least you take it from me and give it back when I ask.”

Wilma on topWe’ve been doing a lot of wrestling too.

“That seems to disturb our Mistress especially when I squeal.”

You’re just a wuss.

“You hurt me. I’m only a puppy.”

That’s not what you say when you jump on

me and want to carry on.

“Ok maybe I tease you a bit.”

Hmm. And there you have it, straight from the puppy’s mouth – an admission of guilt. I rest my case!

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