The flood waters should peak today and we hope they will start to go down. When I went for my walk yesterday I found myself up to my knees in water when I forgot to look where I was going. Fortunately we live on a hill but there have been some serious problems in the areas around here. After our walk our Mistress took me to have a look at some of them from a distance. I’m not sure that they are as impressive in the photos as they were in real life. Anyway, the biggest problem is the city 12 miles from here. There are

people being evacuated by boat from their houses there. At least we’ve got a dry couple of days before the rain starts again.
I’m afraid there is no new Kong recipe today. Because Aristotle is still in kennels until this afternoon he wasn’t around to help Wilma in the kitchen so she has to wait for him to come back. She is really looking forward to seeing him. Apparently I’m not as good at playing as he is.

Wilma is feeling vindicated about her love of mud. Her family have sent her photos of her mother and Katie after they have been playing in mud. Wilma now thinks she needs to get a photo looking at least as muddy as they do. Our Mistress is not so sure. Mind you, if she went to the place that Ari normally walks I don’t think it would take much trying to come back looking like that at the moment. I’m not sure what he’s going to

make of it tomorrow. He is not a fan of mud. Mind you at the moment it’s either that or no walk, so maybe he won’t mind too much. The paddock at the kennels must be pretty muddy so he may already be used to it. He’s certainly likely to need a shower and I don’t want to be the one to have to tell him that!
Aristotle asked if we could say happy birthday to some of his younger brothers and sisters today too. It is Shadow’s C litter’s 2nd birthday today. Strictly speaking it was Cinderella’s birthday at ten minutes to midnight last night. For her it is a double cause for celebration as she is now old enough to think about having puppies. Anyway, happy birthday to you all from your Mum and brother and all of us here.
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