Sunday 7th June 2015 – Fighting the crows

New methods of resistance are being sought to fight the crows. We have ordered some stickers to go on the window in the shape of birds of prey. Now we just have to wait to see if the crows are bright enough to realise there is unlikely to be an eagle flying around on the landing of our house and we’ve just put it there to fool them. My money is on the crow not being fooled, but Alfie is convinced it’s going to work. I think he has more of a vested interest seeing as it is his sleep that is being disturbed. I might be less phlegmatic about it if they were tapping at my window!

What is it with windy weather? We were all on edge yesterday. Alfie was barking even more than he has been and we weren’t much better. Our Mistress is at the end of her tether with him and that’s not normal. Usually he can get away with anything and she doesn’t tell him off. Now she has no idea how to help him break the cycle of his behaviour. It’s wearing her down. We all know our place and that she wants nothing more in life than to be close to Alfie. Telling him off doesn’t make her happy, but neither does having him barking in her ear. I tried to be good so that I didn’t make it worse, but you know what it’s like! All I have to do is walk in his direction and he gets all jumpy and starts barking. Oh it’s so tempting just to poke a paw in his direction, almost irresistible in fact, particularly when I can do it silently and no one knows I’m just causing trouble. I’m going to get caught sooner or later but until then I may as well make the most of it.

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