Wednesday 4th February 2015

My ‘Press Pass’ has been granted for Crufts. I’m officially a reporter. How many dogs can say that? Admittedly it has our Mistress’s name on the papers but it does clearly say ‘Alfie’s Diary’ and that’s me! It’s making me think I don’t want to delegate to Shadow but you just know that with all those dogs around I’d bark a lot. Mind you Shadow has been doing her fair share of barking. A neighbourhood cat has been tormenting her and Aristotle. First it sat on the fence in the sunshine staring up at them and then it moved round and sat outside our back door, but far enough away that it was not only in the sun but could leap over the gate for a quick getaway. Shadow and Ari were beside themselves, particularly as our Mistress wouldn’t let them go out. She was concerned for the safety of the cat, but I’ve seen cats and I know how they play these things and Shadow and Ari would have been lucky to come out of it unscathed. We heard of a shocking incident recently where a family with a cat got themselves a Chihuahua puppy. The puppy was only small and the cat ate it! Now that’s cats for you. Mind you we know a local dog that killed not one but two of their neighbour’s cats and that nearly led to an international incident. We never totally leave that ‘prey instinct’ behind!

Our Mistress gave us the feeblest excuse for not going for a walk yesterday that I’ve ever heard – she had lost a filling and her nerve was exposed and every time she breathed in the cold air it was really painful so she wanted to stay indoors. You will be pleased to know she has been to the dentist this morning so walking is back on the agenda.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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