Wednesday 21st January 2015 – No Change

Well I’m hungry and I’m not looking forward to going to the vet. I’m sure I’ll be fine and they’ll just tell me it’s another fatty lump. I’m being brave and strong, mainly as I know that if I’m not then our Mistress will not cope. She’s funny, she’s really practical about pretty much everything in life except me. When it comes to me she’s really emotional. I remember when I had to have a ‘little operation’ when I was eleven months old. She was shaking all day, although she did say that may have been from the amount of coffee she drank while she was waiting for me. Then she hadn’t got the right money as they didn’t take the sort of debit card she had. It was in the Netherlands and her debit card was Belgian. At that point she just went to pieces having to leave me at the vet while she went to find a cash machine. I was fine, but it took quite a while for her to calm down.

Anyway, we did measure Shadow yesterday and it was not good news. Shadow stood beautifully so it was much easier to get her measurements than it was last week and she is no bigger than when we first measured her. Another thought has occurred to our Mistress that maybe she is measuring in the wrong place, but let’s be honest, there are a limited number of places you can measure on a small dog! She would still only be 3 and a half weeks gone so it is still relatively early. It was into the fifth week when our Mistress could really tell last year and there is always the possibility that it is a small litter, but she has not come away from yesterday’s measuring feeling overly optimistic. We only have to wait until a week on Friday for the scan, so the speculation will be over fairly soon.

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