Wednesday 5th November 2014 – Bonfire Night

At least living in a small village bonfire night is relatively quiet. My thoughts go out to all city pets of a nervous disposition who spend the evening of bonfire night flinching every time there is a whirr or a bang from fireworks. To be fair, none of us is too bothered. Ari actually sat at the window and watched them last year. His little woofs and roos when there were some particularly pretty fireworks were quite endearing. Shadow prefers to stay in the front room where she can’t generally see or hear them and I just keep an eye on Ari in case any of the bangs are too loud for him.

Things are hotting up on the pantomime front. As the dates get nearer the number of rehearsals has increased and my Master can be found around the house singing odd songs and practicing his dance moves. My Mistress hasn’t got so much to practice thankfully, but we’ve been suffering her singing for weeks. My Mistress is more nervous at this stage in case Shadow’s season starts earlier than she is expecting rather than the pantomime itself. That and getting everything back in the loft before all our house guests start to arrive! She is starting to plan for taking Shadow in parallel with everything else. She has ordered her winter tyres and is going to start Shadow on her Fit and Fertile. She is also taking Shadow for longer walks to make sure she really is as fit as she can be before her season starts. That and trying to tire her out as she and Ari are playing non-stop and it is driving my Mistress nuts. We need it to be at least another three weeks before she actually starts, preferably a little longer. Obviously I’ll keep you posted.

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