Friday 17th October 2014 – Trampolining

We have some new throws on the settee to make it cosy for us to sit on. When my Mistress left the lounge the other day, she very carefully put them over the settee so they were ready for the next evening. She went in during the day and they were scrunched up in piles. She thought that for some reason after she had gone out my Master had moved them, but could not understand why. She straightened them out so that they were ready for the evening. A couple of hours later she went back in to take one of the cushions she had made to find they were all scrunched up again. She realised then that it wasn’t anything to do with my Master, but it appears that Aristotle has been using the settee as a trampoline. As you might imagine, the lounge is now out of bounds to him except under supervision.

Now I know you realise by now that our Mistress can be a little ‘over organised’ but things are getting out of hand. It’s October and she has already bought our Christmas cards and is planning to write our Christmas letter in the next few days. She says she’s got to get Christmas sorted and ready by the end of November so she can be on standby to take Shadow to Switzerland. Most normal people would just skip Christmas for one year and not worry about it. She says that anything that isn’t done and ready by the time Shadow’s season starts isn’t going to happen. I’m making sure I’ve got my present order in early as I don’t want to miss out. Mind you. I’ve got a birthday to look forward to and enjoy before that. I hope she doesn’t forget that in her haste to worry about Christmas.

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