Saturday 19th July 2014 – Not my turn

‘You only need to go swimming every three weeks, Alfie,’ she said. ‘I’ve booked you in for next week,’ she said. You think you know where you are and then quite out of the blue, as far as I was concerned, she says ‘Get your towel ready. I’m taking you swimming.’ What is a dog to do? Oh I remonstrated. I pushed Ari forward and said he really wanted to go. He of course growled that he didn’t. Apparently it’s for my own good. It’s because I’ve been complaining about my back. Our Mistress decided that as Ari is walking quite well at the moment she would take me instead. I tried kicking him to see if he would limp, but he wasn’t having any of it. On the bright side, I do like the lady I swim with and it’s always nice to see her, so I did my best to find the positives in a bad situation. If I’m being honest I do need help sorting my back out. It’s not been much fun and I’m totally off wanting to walk again. It had been so good for the last few weeks skipping along beside my Mistress and getting to see the world, so I suppose if it helps the swimming is a small price to pay. It gives me one to one time with our Mistress too, which is always a bonus.

We’re staying in a log cabin this weekend. With the weather forecast not being good I’m guessing it may mean quite a lot of time indoors. I don’t mind too much but Ari is getting a little bouncy. There is no wifi in the cabin so I have to go to the café and ask nicely if I can use the wifi there. There are two spaniels at the café which is a bit much to be honest.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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