After my first experience of rolling in fox poo a couple of weeks ago, I’ve decided to check out some other delicacies. The other day a poor bird had died flying into the window of our house. My Mistress spotted it last thing at night when Shadow offered to bring it into the house. She said if Shadow would not mind leaving it, then she would conduct the appropriate burial service the following morning. Unfortunately, by the time we went out the following morning something had been and eaten much of the bird, leaving only the odd giblet and a few feathers. Having enjoyed my fox poo experience I thought I’d try rolling in remnants of dead bird. I was duly caught and told off and whilst she was explaining to me why she wasn’t happy about it Shadow slipped behind my Mistress to follow suit. Neither one of us was very popular for a while that day. I don’t really know why that was so appealing. It was not as though it had a good smell or anything. It was just there and I had to do it. A sort of primeval thing. What’s odd is that I have never felt in any way like doing these things until the last few weeks. I think it’s all part of a mid-life crisis. I was just much too good as a puppy and it’s time to let my hair down and find out what I’d been missing. If I’m being honest I’m not all that sure that I’ve missed much judging by my experiences so far, but it’s nice to be a rebel sometimes, particularly when no one is expecting it from you. I’m thinking of growing old disgracefully in case I find other things I didn’t try when I was young. It might be time to try some of my Master’s beer. Ari is fond of our Mistress’s cherry brandy and tries to stick his tongue in it whenever she pours a glass, so maybe I should be going for the beer.
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So I guess my dog is having a mid-life crisis also because she loves rolling on dead lizard which is very annoying. You may not notice it Alfie but it smells bad and maybe that is the reason why she is not happy about it. 🙂