Saturday 17th May 2014 – Weight loss?

My Mistress is trying to lose weight. I know there is nothing very unusual in that but the fancy scales he bought seem to have ideas of their own. In theory the scales weigh her, tell her her BMI, body fat and heartbeat. She has concluded that the only part which is accurate is her heart rate and she didn’t really need to know that. It is supposed to be able to recognise different users. My Master weighs about 20kilos more than my Mistress but when he got on the scales it concluded he was my Mistress and came up with her name and a corresponding weight. Then later when my Mistress weighed herself she apparently weighed only 29 kilos which is the same as me and Ari and a big reduction on the day before. Quite apart from that her body fat seems to be able to change by as much as 5% in the space of 10 minutes – which would be a remarkable achievement too. She has sent them back to the shop and concluded that maybe she doesn’t need some that are quite as ‘clever’. The only problem is that they are the same make as the scale she got excited about for weighing puppies and now she isn’t sure if they would be just as bad. In comparison to the puppies her weight is really not that important.

Her attempts at learning German are not going much better. You should have seen the look of horror when she came across a word that was 18 letters long. She doesn’t think she will ever be able to remember it, never mind spell it correctly. I suppose when the different parts of the word make more sense it might not be so bad. In comparison English seems very easy. Although much of it is based on German it is as though we have deliberately simplified it or at least misheard and written or said what we thought we heard.

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