Sunday 18th May 2014 – Never Give Up

You’d like to think after the scales experience that she would give up, but you’d be wrong. She has sent for a different set to see if they work any better. She also now has a tracker that counts her exercise and sleep and I think may be becoming a little excessive. All I can say is that if it results in more walks for us then it really can’t be a wholly bad idea. It’s all to do with the looming ‘birthday’. It’s still more than a year away, but she is of the opinion if she isn’t fit before she gets that far than she sure isn’t likely to be again in the future. There’s fit and there’s ‘fit’! I think she is trying to recapture her lost youth. She is getting as bad as her friend that took up running at a similar sort of age. The friend is now at the point of running whole marathons. I don’t think my Mistress is planning to go quite to that extreme but she might at least get to the point where she can touch her toes again. At least as a dog I can carry on reaching rather more than my toes to give them all a good clean.

Shadow’s hormones are not quite so all over the place even though her season hasn’t started. She is now able to spend the time with us without the frantic need to play with Aristotle 24hrs a day. She is still quite full of life, but we like her like that. It was just her manic bouncing that had all got too much. We’re surprised her season hasn’t started yet though. If it doesn’t start soon my Mistress is likely to conclude she has missed one for some reason. It makes planning the timing of the next litter very difficult.

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