Aristotle is missing Megan and he is being an annoying little squirt. Well, not so little really. He used to get rid of some of his energy by having a game of rough and tumble with Megan. It used to last pretty much from when they got up to when they went to bed and they only broke in between to eat or for Megan’s walks. Now he’s at a loose end. He really doesn’t know what to do with himself. My Mistress is going to start walking him more, but for a number of reasons that has had to wait until next week. He hasn’t been able to go swimming either so his energy is limitless. I, on the other paw, have limited energy and as far as possible save it for selecting the best places to nap. I don’t ask much out of life, but I do ask not to be bounced on at intervals through the day. His answer to that is that he’s not allowed to bounce on Shadow at the moment as she is trying to be pregnant. There goes equality for you – just because I can’t be pregnant, I can be bounced on without compunction.
It was Discover Dogs at the weekend, where the public gets chance to pull us in all directions in the name of seeing which breed they would like to add to their family. None of us went this year because my Mistress is still not well and obviously Shadow can’t go and I choose not to. Anyway, the number of people falling in love with us seems to go up every year and my Mistress has spent a lot of time fielding enquiries from prospective owners. They have to meet up with an owner on a one to one basis so we get to look at the map quite a lot to see which dog is nearest to them. We’re just lucky that almost all of our breed and their owners are willing to help with the meetings. Some do a lot more than others and are great ambassadors for the breed. It always comes as a pleasant surprise to my Mistress when any of the enquiries are anywhere near us, but it doesn’t happen often.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com