Saturday 1st June 2013 – Insufferable

My Mistress is bad enough when she’s feeling down, but she’s insufferable when she’s happy. The sun shone yesterday and on top of that she bought tickets to see her favourite musician, Billy Joel, when he comes to England later in the year. The combination of the two things was too much. She was singing while she worked! How is a dog to sleep in circumstances like that? I know it’s good to let your hair down occasionally but she’s got an awful lot of hair when she lets it down! She said she’s just got ‘that Friday feeling’ and of course it was Friday, but there are limits and singing is going too far. She played music in the afternoon, which at least meant it was in tune, but then she shouted at the computer (from which it was playing) when the band got the lyrics grammatically incorrect. I went off into the other room to get some peace and quiet.

When I think about the week from her point of view, I guess she had every reason to feel happy. Basil has qualified for Crufts, her book is out in paperback as well as ebook, she’s been invited to go on the radio on Monday and she’s got her concert tickets – not a bad week really. You’d think she could at the very least buy me a new juicy bone and maybe a few biscuits. At least we’re planning a day in the garden today as long as the weather stays good. There is the small matter of transplanting the peas as she’s realised they won’t have enough room for canes under the insect netting. Once she’s done that she can move some of the cauliflowers into the gaps left by the peas to spread them out a bit more. I get tired just watching. I’m just hoping she can throw a ball for me while she’s doing it.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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