Tuesday 12th February 2013 – The downsides of a cone round her neck

Megan has discovered a very big downside of a cone round her neck in snowy weather. She’s been trying to sniff all the exciting smells in Switzerland and finding that as she went she scooped snow up into the cone. It works a bit like a snow shovel or a snow plough, except Megan’s head ends up under the pile of snow. She wasn’t happy when my Master and Mistress left her, but then neither was my Mistress. My Mistress now feels really sad because she hasn’t got any of us with her and she doesn’t like not having a dog around. My Master even managed to pick a dog up in a restaurant last night. The dog was apparently called Maurice and I’m not happy. I was pleased to hear that the dog stayed at the restaurant and isn’t about to turn up here with them.

I’ve been reading about Richard the III being found under a Leicester car park. Do you think he had a faithful dog? If so archaeologists really ought to turn their attention to finding the dog so that they can be reburied together. I hope they weren’t buried together in 1485 and the dog has been left in the longer stay section. Do you think they’d bought a ticket for how long they were there for or should the current royal family be issued with a long overdue parking ticket on behalf of former royalty? All the thoughts of people dying in battle are my Master’s fault as he’s excited about going to the battleground at Waterloo today. My Mistress is seeing it as a day out in the fresh air and feels she should have a dog at her side. Ah well, maybe next time. Although really scenes of bloodshed aren’t my thing, even if it isn’t my blood!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

1 Comment

  1. Hello Alfie. I am Finn the Maine Coon. I read about Megan’s cone. It reminded me of my own experience with what my dad called my ‘lampshade’. Last summer I had a large lump removed from my neck. (The lump was benign, thank goodness!). My mum says I am very flighty, but I coped very well—other than shovelling food into my cone every time I ate! I was allowed to take the cone of for a few supervised minutes each day while I washed my face. I hope that Megan is doing well and know she will have beautiful pups, even with a damaged ear! (I will email your mum my lampshade photo).

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