We aren’t supposed to be weighing them again until midday tomorrow, but as we had to clean out the box and take Shadow to stretch her legs it seemed like a good opportunity. I am so excited, they have all had a good afternoon, but little Aristotle has put on 26g. He is now 322g. He’s still by far the smallest, but it is wonderful news.
On the other paw, from sitting sweating in an overheated room and not planning in advance to have easy food in the house that she can eat, my Mistress thinks she may be losing weight. She is looking forward to her friend Avril (after whom little Avril is named) sitting with the puppies while she has chance to nip out for an hour.
I’ve now uploaded a few still photos from the camera, this one is everyone eating this afternoon.
Oh look at those little white tipped tails! You can almost see them growing by the minute! Shame we don’t live closer so we could help out puppy sitting 🙂
Aww bless can’t wait to see them all again tomorrow bet they have grown since yesterday and it will be my pleasure to puppy sit and have a cuddle from puppies and me lovely shadow xxxxx
Hurrah for Aristotle, and well done Shadow feeding them all 🙂