Tuesday 6th September 2011 – The spiders move in

It’s that time of year when the spiders start to move into our house. They turn up on the doorstep, or more usually the walls inside the house, little suitcases in hand, saying they are looking for somewhere warm to spend the winter. We are undergoing the annual ritual of them moving in, then my Mistress moving (using a glass and piece of cardboard) takes them back out. Then the whole exercise begins again. Sometimes we bring it to a dramatic conclusion by one of us eating the spider, but most of the time we just nudge it out of the way and then stand back and watch my Mistress scream. That’s when the game  starts to get really interesting. My Mistress can deal with spiders as long as they don’t move. Once they stretch their legs in all directions she does not want to be anywhere near. She’s a lot better than she used to be, which slightly spoils the game but we can still get some fun out of it.

We downloaded a new piece of software to play with, but unfortunately my Mistress has uninstalled it before it does any more damage. My copy of my diary was open when it was downloading and when I came to write this morning what came up on screen was just symbols and weird characters. I panicked, as you would, thinking I had been writing a whole load of gibberish. Fortunately, as it turned out my Mistress had run a back up the previous evening and was able to retrieve a copy of what I really write. As it turned out it was mainly gibberish but not the same gibberish as in the corrupted file.

The weather is in the middle of a conspiracy. I don’t know who it is conspiring with, but every time there is a chance of working on the summerhouse insulation it rains. Every time we have to do other things it is fine again. At this rate it will be next summer before the insulation is complete.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

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