Friday 26th August 2011 – Wishes do come true

Following on from telling you about the wonderful Lending with Care website, we are now supporting 30 year old, Bun han Threnh in Cambodia. Bun hun has two small children and he and his wife farm just 3 hectares. He is going to use the money to repair his hand tractor and buy piglets to raise to add to the four pigs they already have. He also sells noodle soup in the mornings and grows rice on 2 hectares of the land. I’ll let you know how they get on. You can follow the link on the right to find out more.

The other thing that has happened is that I have proved without any shadow of doubt that if you wish for something hard enough it comes true. Just before the rest of the family went on holiday, my Mistress, Andy and I sat down and said we really wanted a hedgehog to move into our garden. It started with Andy saying he wanted one as a pet. My Mistress was more practical about it and asked if he could have a look in the nature centre where they were going to see if he could find a hedgehog house to put in the garden. We agreed the spot it would go in, so that the hedgehog wasn’t bothered by the girls and it became a very important topic of conversation. Well, yesterday when we were coming into the house, who should be outside saying that she had heard that there was a vacant house she could move into, but this darling little hedgehog. We explained that she was a day early and that the house wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow and she shuffled off to find somewhere to wait until it was ready. I can’t tell you how excited we all are. I just hope she is ok until we have the house all nice and cosy for her. Now we just need to buy some hedgehog food so we can supplement her diet.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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