Thursday 25th August 2011 – the magic of farming

I can only think there is some magic going on around here. I told you yesterday that one of the fields on the walk had gone overnight from crop to stubble, well imagine our surprise to find that when we turned up the next day it had already been ploughed. Megan complained that she hadn’t had long enough to enjoy the stubble and straw, but the good news was that not only was the next field along now stubble and straw, but she could enjoy running on a ploughed field as well. It just goes to show you how hard the farmers round here are having to work at the moment to make the most of the good weather.

Now I know everyone has to make a living, but I am getting very fed up with the people who make a living out of surfing the internet for sites that take comments and then post spam. You know who you are! I don’t want to tell the world about an ‘SEO plugin’ until a few days ago I was happy not knowing what one was. I certainly don’t want to advertise a betting site and I am not a fan of the New York Jets. What makes me sad is that all these posts come in overnight, which together with the poor English suggests this is people in the regions of the world a number of hours east of here trying to earn some money. There must be better ways. They could set up their own blog as a starting point.

I did come across something thanks to a friend of my Mistress’s that I hadn’t heard of before. It is a way to help people in the developing world who are genuinely trying to set up their own businesses and get on their feet. With you can make a loan of as little as £15 to help someone set up a market stall, or food production or some other genuine project. When they are successful you get your money back and you can always invest it in someone else. As a dog with a social conscience I’m going to invest in someone today and then keep you up to date with their progress.

In the meantime, perhaps the spammers would like to put together a genuine business case and then I might invest in them too.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –