Sunday 21st August 2011 – sorbet, sorbet, everywhere

Blueberry sorbet has been added to the freezer. There is going to be more blackberry sorbet too. While my Mistress has been walking Megan she has been gathering blackberries from the hedgerows. She came back with quite a haul yesterday and when you add to those the ones from the garden we could be making sorbet for ever. Last year we made blackberry and apple jelly but most of that is still in the cupboard so this year is definitely sorbet production.

I had a little trip out in my little car yesterday. We haven’t been out in it for a few weeks and the problem then is that the battery goes flat. It was a lovely sunny day so I said, “Why don’t we go for a little drive?” That way I get my Mistress all to myself for a while. That’s the joy of a two-seater. It only has room for the driver and one dog. I’m the ‘one dog’ and my Mistress is the driver. I guess the girls would enjoy it too, but it’s always been our little treat. It makes up for the fact that I’m not so keen on going for long walks.

We’ve heard from the boys. They are all fine. I think they are enjoying themselves. We’re missing them too, but there are some advantages. We all fit on the settee with my Mistress and no one tells us to get down. We can all sleep on the bed too, although to be fair my Mistress did ask if we could get into our own beds as her legs were all scrunched up and she wasn’t comfortable. We are missing having more people to stroke us, although we had a visitor come to see us yesterday with the sole intention of making a fuss of us, so it isn’t all bad.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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