Friday 19th August 2011 – Waiting for Shadow’s ultrasound

Yesterday was depressing. I think my Mistress has finally given up on the prospect of having any real summer and so she had ordered some winter jumpers, which arrived yesterday. They are very nice jumpers, that wasn’t the depressing part. The problem was that she is thinking about jumpers at all when I’m still vaguely dreaming of sunshine and it being dry underpaw outside.

Today by contrast is a very important day. Not only is it the start of our activity holiday, but Shadow is having her ultrasound scan this morning. I’m trying to occupy myself so that I don’t get too anxious. There is only so long I can sit and chew my claws and pace up and down. Not at the same time you understand. My Mistress is very concerned. She knows she will be upset if it turns out Shadow isn’t pregnant, but is crossing her fingers that all is well.

To keep me occupied I’ve been starting to set up a website for our ‘kennels’. I’ve done the basic design and written my page so far. I know I’m not part of the breeding programme, but I didn’t want to feel left out and I did want to be able to tell everyone a little bit about my mum and dad too, just so they know where we all fit in. I’ve talked to both Megan and Shadow about the sorts of things I think they should write and they are making some notes so that they can sit down and write it out later. I’ll help them with the grammar and some of the difficult words, but it will be basically their own work. I think it’s important that when someone is choosing a puppy they can get to know the character of the parents.

I’ll let you know later about Shadow.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –