Tuesday 2nd August 2011 – everything seems to be broken

The vegetable steamer has broken, a window blind has fallen down, my Mistress still doesn’t feel very well and she is wondering exactly what will go wrong next. She spend most of yesterday on the telephone to everyone from a national newspaper to the office of our member of parliament, from insurers to the Kennel Club. By the end of the day she didn’t actually feel very much further forward than she was at the start. The only thing that cheered her up, except of course being with us, was booking her next trip out to Switzerland to see Shadow. It will be for Shadow’s ultrasound to see if she is really pregnant. My Mistress had hoped to go by train but it turns out that everyone else wants to go by train and ticket prices are rather high as a result. I’ve said I promise to be good going into kennels for a few days but have asked if she could ask Megan to stop picking on me. Part of it is that Megan now wants to be top dog, but the other part is that she is missing the rough and tumble of her play with Shadow and is looking for me to fill the gap. I just want a quiet life. I don’t need to be bounced on every ten minutes. I don’t mind the odd chase round the garden but that is as far as it goes. It’s times like this I realise I’ve grown up, which is an alarming thought all things considered.

My Master wasn’t home last night, so I magnanimously volunteered to sleep on the bed next to my Mistress. Megan finds the duvet too hot at night so always climbs off after about half an hour. I one the other paw will happily get under the duvet and snuggle right in to my Mistress.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA