Wednesday 13th July 2011 – It’s starting

It’s a busy and exciting week. It looks as though Shadow’s season is finally starting, which means that everyone is starting to panic about arrangements. To be fair it is only my Mistress panicking but when she panics it feels as though it’s everybody.

That would have been quite enough excitement for any one week but my friend Alfie Entlebucher having himself been awarded ‘The Versatile Blogger Award’ has now also awarded one to me. To say I’m thrilled is putting it mildly. This is my second award and I’m delighted to be considered worthy of the accolade. With all the other excitement I haven’t worked out how to display it yet, but I’m working on it. I’m going to get my Mistress onto it for me in the hope that she can get it up and running more quickly than I can. In fact you may already be able to see it. On top of that we’ve also made a major step forward in going live with the new look site. I wanted to get it finished in the next couple of days, but with Shadow, my Mistress has some other things on her mind. She has said it may have to wait until she comes back now. I can understand why, but to say I am disappointed is an understatement. I’ll be nice to her and see if she can do it before she goes.

We have a list of what has to be done before my Mistress sets off for Switzerland, which includes things like ‘driving to the sweet shop to replace the bags of sweets that were bought for the trip – but got eaten because of the wait!’ You would think my Mistress might conclude she’d had enough boiled sweets to last her a while, but it seems not – and she’s the one who limits our dog biscuits!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –